

Route POI
Index card


Accipiter gentilis

It is a bird which is very discreet and very difficult to see, but can leave a trace such as a bunch of feathers or can also be distinguished by his voice, a characteristic squeak (audio). We are facing a medium-sized bird of prey, similar to a buzzard. His body is like the one of a hawk, although it is related to the shape of eagles’ head and beak. The female bird is much larger than the male. Nests in trees, builds large nests or uses old nests of crows and buzzards.

It is the fastest and more manoeuvrability prey within the forest, after the hawk and that is why it is widely used in falconry. You can hunt other birds such as pheasants, jays, crows, partridges, ..., and small mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, and moles.
