

Route POI
Index card


We go back without losing height, in a gentle ascent.
Have I not seen any chamois yet? From here on, we saw them above us, it climbs up to the hill of Dòrria, as well as below, along the path where we will go back. Ah! If you look through your binoculars in the plain below, perhaps the marmots have already come out of their shelter.
The chamois, ungulative herbivorous, slender, have fine horns hooked in shape that never falls to them. On their face, it seems that they wear a mask, more obvious in winter. Males and females are difficult to differentiate.
In summer we find it in alpine meadows and in winter, it goes down to alternate forest areas with meadows and pending areas where it accumulates less snow and can find food more easily. Form flocks that vary depending on the age and sex of individuals and the time of year.
There are about 3000 specimens in the Freser-Setcases national hunting reserve. Zeal [XG7] goes from November to December, and the gestation lasts for 5 months. They usually have a baby chamois, in May-June that accompanies the mother throughout the first year of life. They live between 18 to 22 years.